Test Bank for Principles of Economics, 3rd Edition, Dirk MateerLee Coppock,


Test Bank for Principles of Economics, 3rd Edition, Dirk MateerLee Coppock,



Test Bank for Principles of Economics, 3rd Edition, Dirk MateerLee Coppock,

Table of Contents
Part I  Introduction
1: Five Foundations of Economics
2: Model Building and Gains from Trade
Appendix 2A: Graphs in Economics
Part II  The Role of Markets
3: The Market at Work: Supply and Demand
Appendix 3A: Changes in Both Demand and Supply
4: Elasticity
5: Market Outcomes and Tax Incidence
6: Price Controls
7: Market Inefficiencies: Externalities and Public Goods
Part III  The Theory of the Firm
8: Business Costs and Production
9: Firms in a Competitive Market
10: Understanding Monopoly
11: Price Discrimination
12: Monopolistic Competition and Advertising
13: Oligopoly and Strategic Behavior
Part IV  Labor Markets and Earnings
14: The Demand and Supply of Resources
15: Income, Inequality, and Poverty
Part V  Special Topics in Microeconomics
16: Consumer Choice
Appendix 16A: Indifference Curve Analysis
17: Behavioral Economics and Risk Taking
18: Health Insurance and Health Care
Part VI  Macroeconomic Basics
19: Introduction to Macroeconomics and Gross Domestic Product
20: Unemployment
21: The Price Level and Inflation
22: Savings, Interest Rates, and the Market for Loanable Funds
23: Financial Markets and Securities
Part VII  The Long and Short of Macroeconomics
24: Economic Growth and the Wealth of Nations
25: Growth Theory
26: The Aggregate Demand–Aggregate Supply Model
27:  Recessions, Expansions, and the Debate over How to Manage Them
Appendix 27A: The Aggregate Expenditures Model
Part VIII  Fiscal Policy
28: Federal Budgets: The Tools of Fiscal Policy
29: Fiscal Policy
Part IX  Monetary Policy
30: Money and the Federal Reserve
31: Monetary Policy
Part X  International Economics
32: International Trade
33: International Finance


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