Test Bank for Principles of Macroeconomics, 1st Edition, Lee Coppock, Dirk Mateer, ISBN 9780393935776


Test Bank for Principles of Macroeconomics, 1st Edition, Lee Coppock, Dirk Mateer, ISBN 9780393935776



Test Bank for Principles of Macroeconomics, 1st Edition, Lee Coppock, Dirk Mateer, ISBN 9780393935776

This is not a textbook or e-book version of the original text. Its called TEST BANK contains Multiple Choice Questions with Answers. All chapter’s Tests are available. Buyer will receive the download (File type: pdf/word/exl..etc) in his email as soon as transaction completed. Please download sample for your confidential.

1) The Five Foundations of Economics
2) Model Building and Gains from Trade
3) The Market at Work: Supply and Demand
4) Price Controls
5) The Efficiency of Markets and the Costs of Taxation

Macroeconomic Basics
6) Introduction to Macroeconomics and Gross Domestic Product
7) Unemployment
8) The Price Level and Inflation
9) Savings, Interest Rates, and the Market for Loanable Funds
10) Financial Markets and Securities

The Long and Short of Macroeconomics
11) Economic Growth and the Wealth of Nations
12) Growth Theory
13) The Aggregate Demand–Aggregate Supply Model
14) The Great Recession, the Great Depression, and Great Macroeconomic Debates

Fiscal Policy
15) Federal Budgets: The Tools of Fiscal Policy
16) Fiscal Policy

Monetary Policy
17) Money and the Federal Reserve
18) Monetary Policy

International Economics
19) International Trade
20) International Finance


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