Test Bank for Psychology Concepts and Applications 4th Edition by Nevid


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  • Title: Test Bank for Psychology Concepts and Applications 4th Edition by Nevid
  • Edition: 4th Edition
  • ISBN-10: 0547148143
  • ISBN-13: 978-0547148144

PSYCHOLOGY: CONCEPTS AND APPLICATIONS, Fourth Edition, uses a unique, proven learning system that makes it easier and more enjoyable for you to learn what you need to learn and succeed in your psychology course. Author Jeff Nevid provides a broad view of psychology that includes history, major theories, research methods, and research findings as well as applications of contemporary research to the challenges you face in everyday life. The text’s modular format organizes each chapter into manageable units that help you focus on one topic at a time within the context of a larger chapter structure. The teaching devices in this text are an outgrowth of research on memory, learning, and textbook pedagogy. As you read, you’ll benefit from Nevid’s “Four E’s of Effective Learning,” through features that will Engage your interest and help you Encode information, Elaborate meaning, and Evaluate your progress.

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We also faced similar difficulities when we were students, and we understand how you feel.
But now, with the Test Bank for Psychology Concepts and Applications 4th Edition by Nevid, you will be able to

* Anticipate the type of the questions that will appear in your exam.

* Reduces the hassle and stress of your student life.

* Improve your studying and also get a better grade!

* Get prepared for examination questions.

* Can save you time and help you understand the material.

If you have any questions, or would like a receive a sample chapter before your purchase, please contact us at inquiry@testbankcorp.com


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